Beautiful pics of AJ Lee and Abigail Spencer feet & legs

Abigail Leigh Spencer has been an American actress for over 10 years. Her career began as Rebecca Tyree, a daytime TV soap on ABC. Later she starred in Lifetime's Angela's Eyes. In addition, she was a part of Grey's Anatomy and Mad Men Hawthorne Suits. Her most well-known work is her role in the film Cowboys & Aliens The Haunting in Connecticut 2 Ghosts of Georgia Oz the Great & Powerful This Is Where I Leave You, The Haunting in Connecticut 2 Ghosts of Georgia Oz the Great and Powerful as well as in the tv series, Angela's Eyes Mad Men Hawthorne, Suits. Spencer is the mother of Roman with her ex spouse Andrew Pruett. April Jeanette Mendez is an American screenwriter, author and former professional wrestler. She was known as AJ Lee in WWE. She is currently an executive producer, color commentator, and host of WOW Women of Wrestling. Phillip Jack Brooks aka CMPunk is an American pro-wrestler.

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